(02) 6041 4249

School Programs

Murray Conservatorium delivers services to assist schools in the achievement of NESA syllabus outcomes. We have extensive experience in delivering specialised quality music education to regional and remote schools.

Outreach may consist of regular activities, such as ongoing music programs, or non-regular activities, such as workshops and concerts.

Outreach is delivered to a diverse range of target equity groups, and Murray Conservatorium is committed to broadening its range of participants.

Online tuition creates new opportunities for flexible program delivery which will help to overcome geographical and financial barriers.

Partially funded by NSW Department of Education, Murray Conservatorium can offer a range of subsidised services to NSW Public Schools (please contact us for more information)

Quality music education services we offer to schools

  • One-off workshops and performance incursions
  • Sequential ongoing program delivery that meets NESA syllabus outcomes
  • Professional learning for school teachers
  • Highly flexible programs that can be tailored to meet the needs of schools
  • Individual and group lessons in schools.
'I love watching my class in the lessons. Some of them really feel the music and use their whole bodies in the lessons, moving to the beat and rhythm. Others love the technical side of it and work hard to learn the notes and songs. It's been great to see students shine in different ways.'
Table Top Public School
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