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Murray Conservatorium Board of Directors

Expressions of interest 2023

Please follow the link to download a form:

EOI Form 2023
Board Membership Invitation

 Murray Conservatorium is seeking Expressions of Interest from people across Australia who are suitable and willing to be considered for appointment to our Board of Management. 

Murray Conservatorium is situated in the heart of Albury CBD and since 1981 has been ‘Enriching Lives and Communities through Quality Music Education.’ 

Offering an array of music education, there is something for everyone. Whether you are 9 months or 90 years old, our doors are open to teaching and sharing the love of music with you. 

As a community education organisation we are partially funded by the New South Wales Department of Education and we work in partnership with Albury City, local Rotary Clubs and the Ruth Whyte Memorial Bequest. 

The Role of the Murray Conservatorium Board of Management 

Serving on the Board of Management carries both responsibilities and rewards. Inherent in the role of the Murray Conservatorium Board is the responsibility to create and review the organisation’s mission statement and purpose, thus articulating goals, means and the primary constituents served. 

The Board is responsible for determining the responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer and to appoint the most qualified individual for the position. It is also the Board’s role to ensure that the Chief Executive Officer has the moral and professional support they need to further the goals of the organisation and to take carriage of all operational matters. 

The Murray Conservatorium Board of Management provides governance and strategic leadership to the organisation and is comprised of people with a wide range of skills and backgrounds. The Board meets at 6pm on the third Monday of every month, with the exception of December and January. Meetings can be attended in person at the Conservatorium premises or online. Board membership is voluntary and attracts no remuneration, but there are many benefits to the role, such as: 

  • Potential career advancement 
  • Development of decision-making skills 
  • Building capacity for complex thinking 
  • Leadership development 
  • Broadening contacts and networks 
  • Making meaningful contributions to society 
  • Supporting cultural diversity 
  • Fostering community engagement 
  • Gaining access to the organisation’s events and facilities 

While there are many benefits to becoming a Board member, it is a role that is not to be taken lightly. It carries with it a high level of responsibility and effort. Before making the decision to apply for Board membership, we encourage you to consider the following: 

  • Are you prepared to allocate the time necessary to this commitment? 
  • Are you prepared to think flexibly and contribute to a group environment? 
  • Are you willing to be challenged by your peers and respectfully challenge them? 
  • Are you willing to commit to understanding the core business of the Conservatorium and remain informed and up to date with any changes? 

If your answer to these questions is yes, we encourage you to submit an Expression of Interest form. Please use the link in the section below to complete your EOI, which you may then submit with an email or letter. Include the name and contact details of two referees in your covering email or letter and email to: chair@murraycon.oceandesignx.com or post to: 

Norman Johnson-Meader 
Chair, Murray Conservatorium Board of Management 
502 Dean Street 

Please follow the link to download a form:

EOI Form 2023

The EOI Process 

All Expressions of Interest received will be confidential to the Murray Conservatorium CEO and Board. The Board members will consider all EOIs and may wish to talk to those who express interest, as well as their nominated referees, in the course of formulating recommendations for Board membership. The decisions of the full Board will be final and all people participating in this process will be advised of outcomes whether or not a Board appointment is recommended. 

The Murray Conservatorium Board of Management looks forward to receiving Expressions of Interest and we wish the best of success to those who are hopeful of joining our organisation. 

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